Why is my post titled “A content writers guide to best content writing“. because I have covered the tools, phrases and essentials every content writer should be aware of to write the best content.
So why wait let us check out
The A-Z of content writing- (sorry!!! ) best content writing
Let us decode the A-Z of content writing to publish a successful post online on any website.
It is a list in progress. Please feel free to add your 2 cents to this list.
Articles– to publish on the web you need to write content. Articles are one way to publish your content.
Audience– who the content is intended for
Analytics– helps you gather information on how is your website/content performing
Blogs – self or other blog sites where your post can be published.
Backlinks– it adds weightage to your site and helps it rank higher
Content– write content for the audience and not SEO alone
Creative– be creative in your writing style. Don’t be a robot. You are a human and people reading it are humans too. So emotions, humor, simple language have a role to play
Canva– a design tool that is good for beginners who want to add design elements to their post
Domain authority, – jargons you should know to get you page to rank higher on Google search, website to rank higher, guest posting for backlinks
Domain hosting- buying a domain and hosting it to launch your website
Dynamic content– content that reflects current trends and is customized as per needs
Duplication– avoid copy and paste content- a strict no, no
Elementor- a go-to website builder platform for many WordPress users
Engagement– an important part of content writing . Engagement decides the fate of the article- Page 1 of Google or…
Factual– content that can be backed by research, experts in the given field
Format– optimize the content for the web to make it easy to read on any screen
Fluff- the extras or the fillers in every article.
You have to write a 1000 word article but the actual and meaningful content makes up only 782 words in the word count tool. So where do we find the remaining 218 words to complete the word count.
Two choices- research and find more info
(Oh! No! Again search filter, read and choose )
Nah! Use filler words
If you have a table in your article, sentences listed below are fluff
e.g., as seen from the table above the first place is occupied by …,
as you would understand from the table- position 1,2, 3 are occupied by
(Isn’t the table self explanatory? so eliminate fluff)
Goals– define the goals of content writing and what you want to achieve
Grammarly- most of the content writers love this tool. Checks for full stops, commas and all the other grammatical errors you make while writing.
Headlines- crazy, killer, smashing, whatever grabs audience attention and delivers
H1, H2 tags– necessary and every content writer should know how to use them
Ideas, ideas and more ideas– to generate long term content and be a consistent writer ideas for articles and posts are necessary. Create a repository of them. Inspiration can come from any corner so be prepared and record it.
Jargon – understanding jargon is cool but using jargon is not so cool. Audience looks for substance when they read, not big pompous words thrown at them.
Keywords- long tail & short tail keywords, keyword stuffing, keyword planner- befriend them. They will aid you in writing content that the audience and search engines are looking for
Links– backlinks, internal links to your post, external links to higher authority sites are all important. So get your sleeves rolling and dive into them, discover them, and find them because they matter.
Marketing- find ways to market your content, and make the right moves to get your work noticed. You might have written a compelling post but if there are no takers…
Niche- find your interest and discover your expertise. Both are different. Interest can sustain you for some time but expertise is like a ride to eternity and you can continuously add value to your readers/audience
Outline- something you should start practicing if you are not doing it. Create an outline for the idea that you have. Write the H1, H2, headings, subheadings., key takeaways. It will help you structure the post and create a flow for your idea.
Plugins– read, learn and find the necessary ones for your website. Addons like contact forms, event posting through banners and anything else you want to share with your audience becomes easier
Plagiarism– a word that should never become a part of your content writing dictionary
Questions- find what the audience is asking, companies want, discover the asked and hidden questions. They are the bases for your ideas.
Be alert, anything new or unresolved problems- grab the opportunity, research and provide factual content to the audience through your post. Remember the early bird always catches the worm.
How do people get startup ideas?-most of them are listening to what the audience is asking
Research- a very important component of content writing. Do not make unverified claims or write content that is not backed by research.
Use credible sources for carrying out research as it will impact your content. It will bring in an audience who stay loyal to you and who in turn will bring in more audience.
Else there are enough sites they can turn to for verified information. You see, not every content writer is making this mistake.
SEO– the holy grail of getting discovered by Google search engines. Do what you need to do and not overdo.
Simplistic- in terms of language.. Not everyone is Wordsworth or a Major in the English language. Use a language that is simple, effective, clear and delivers. There are enough resources online that can provide you with simpler alternatives for every pompous word that comes into your mind.
Search engines– know them because they will scout for your content. Do not anger them because they are quick to penalize you. They also prefer original, simple and clear communication.
Schedule- a planner or schedule helps you stay on content writing track
Tags– remember the H1, H2. Then there is another kind of tags that tell audience what is the article about. #contentwriting, #contentwriter, #SEOwriting are some examples
Tools– Grammarly for correctness, plagiarism checker tools are great helpers when you are a little unsure about (ahem., mmm) the commas, full stops and a sneak peek to make sure your content is as unique as you
Updates-content updates, website updates to keep your audience with you. Evergreen content is always there but what about the- what? Really? Are you sure- Kind of updates.
Did you know grammarly has decided to do away with the premium version for all registered users?-
Relax this is not true. You still have to pay for the premium version and only the basic ver. Is free.
But you got the point right? So updates –
Also remember to update your plugins, WP theme of your site so that they work.
Value add- what is the value add to the audience/reader when they read your article? The primary focus is to keep it that way. You are writing for them, then how can you digress ( yay a pompous word I refused to replace).
Websites– own or others to post your content
WordPress- a free open source content management system. A boon for a tech-zero person like me. I AM A 0(ZERO) in coding, java, HTML tags and the other scary stuff.
But god bless WP- I have two websites up and running where I am posting this content and fingers crossed you are reading it.
A difficult letter so I decided to use
Xpertise – creative liberty is the right of every writer 🙂– remember N for Niche. The expertise is related to that. Your expertise in a subject will let you write authoritatively and that will help to build the audience’s trust.
Google is also happy because expertise, authority and trust are metrics used by it.
Yoast SEO– a plugin that takes care of your SEO needs. Focus keyword, meta tag, slug and everything you need to get your page ranked on Google.
Zzzz– this is not your aim unless you have written a bed-time story. So make your content interesting, give examples that the audience/readers can relate to.
I have finally begun the A-Z of content writing.
This list is just the start. Feel free to add your own in the comments below or create one.
Very well written. The writing is simple and effective and covers all the essentials of content writing.
Thank you Soumya.
Ha!Ha! Well written. A comprehensive guide that is going to become a part of my content writing templates. Thank you. Looking forward to more posts from you.
Thank you Krish for the feedback
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