How to start creative writing-Top 6 tips to begin

How to write creative writing? How do I inspire myself to write creatively? 

Are you interested in exploring the world of creative writing but unsure where to begin? 

This article will provide you with practical tips on how to start your creative writing journey.

 From understanding the basics to finding inspiration, we’ll cover everything you need to know to kickstart your creativity.

Begin by asking What is creative writing?

The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. ~ Edwin Schlossberg

Any writing that is unlimited by length, factual and technical forms of writing that we see in journals, academic and technical writing. 

It is a writing form where the author or writer can express his ideas and thoughts in a liberated manner in the language and style he chooses to write in. It could be a story, a poem, a blog, or an article.

How do I start creative writing?

The obvious answer would be to start writing.

I’ve compiled a list of my top 6 tips on how to start creative writing.

 1. Reading

Quite an antithesis. Not sure if reading and writing are antithesis pairs.

However, in creative writing, you can use them that way. We’re looking to writing and, my number one on the list is reading. 

Reading opens up horizons. The more you read, the more you are in touch with different styles in writing, wordplay, theme narration, drawing on a concept, and building a narrative around it. 

If you are not into heavy reading, pick up advertisements, billboards, short stories anything, that catches your eye. One gets to learn a lot by reading. It helps you identify the genre that you would like to write in.

2. Audience– 

Identify your audience. Your word choice, theme or topics, narrative depend on your audience. 

If you want to write stories for children using words that are literary heavy will not connect with children. 

Childrens’ stories need a different kind of language-fun, simplicity, and cheerfulness. These are some of the styles we should incorporate in our writing. The topics chosen should be children-centric and appropriate.

The same rules apply when you write for a mature audience.

For jingles, billboards, etc., adopt a completely different style. Most of them are topical, catchy, and lyrical as they need to convince the audience.

So keeping the audience in mind while not compromising with your creativity in terms of choice of words, narration, and topics is very important.

3. Have a central theme–  

Before diving into your creative writing, it’s essential to have a central theme or plot in mind. 

This theme acts as the foundation for your narrative and helps your readers connect with your story or message. Having a clear direction will allow you to craft a compelling and coherent piece of writing.

Remember that book you never wanted to put down. Now is the time to read it and understand what the author did that got your 100% attention.

4. Use of literary devices in writing

Poetic devices or literary devices and figures of speech make a big difference in your writing.

Why don’t we look at the two sentences:

1. His hopes and dreams drifted to the ground like a falling kite

 2. All his dreams and hopes were shattered.

When we compare the two sentences, most us would get attracted to the way the first sentence is composed.

And why is that?

Although both mean the same- the first one is more poetic, creative, and uses imagery that connects with the audience.

Literary devices such as metaphors, imagery, and similes can bring your writing to life. These devices create vivid and engaging descriptions that captivate your readers’ imagination. 

However, it’s important to strike a balance and not overwhelm your writing with excessive or forced literary devices.

5. Start writing– 

The most crucial step in starting your creative writing journey is simply to begin writing. 

Don’t wait for the perfect moment or the ideal topic. Jot down your thoughts, interesting anecdotes, or anything that catches your attention. 

You can always build upon these ideas to develop your theme and narrative.

And last but not the end

6. Join a creative writing course

 If you’re looking for more structured guidance and instruction, enrolling in a creative writing course can be immensely helpful. 

Many online resources, blogs, and YouTube channels offer courses or workshops that teach the fundamentals of creative writing. 

Taking a course can provide you with valuable insights, techniques, and a supportive community of fellow writers.

To wrap it up here are my top 6 tips on how to start creative writing-


1. Reading 

2. Audience

3. A central theme

4. Using literary devices

5. Start writing

6. Join a creative writing course

Embarking on the path of creative writing can be an exciting and fulfilling endeavor. 

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to honing your skills and unleashing your creativity as a writer.

“If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Or, if proper usage gets in the way, it may have to go. I can’t allow what we learned in English composition to disrupt the sound and rhythm of the narrative.”

 —Elmore Leonard


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