Top 7 Exercises to improve writing skills as a content writer

If you want a writing career, you must improve your content writing skills. Many skip this step thinking that talent will get them by. They feel they do not need any exercises to improve their writing skills.

That is wrong.


Developing strong content writing skills is crucial for a successful writing career. While talent is valuable, effective communication is paramount. Fortunately, there are several exercises that can help one improve their content writing abilities. These exercises require minimal preparation and one can practice at any time. Remember that becoming a better writer is a journey that requires dedication and practice. 

Let’s explore seven easy-to-implement content writing exercises that I tried and will contribute to your growth as a writer.

These 7 writing exercises can be completed with little to no preparation time which allows you to use these exercises at any time of day.

It’s necessary to point out that improving your writing is a journey and not an overnight thing.

Going from beginner to intermediate level writer takes hard work and tenacity, just like any other skill.

 You need to stay the course and practice your craft.

 Exercise #1: Read work of other writers to write better

Writing is a skill that can be learned and developed, just like any other. So, how do you learn to write better?

Writing exercises are the best way to improve your writing skills because they force you to write more often. 

Reading the work of other writers is an excellent way to enhance your writing skills. 

By analyzing their writing style, word choices, and sentence structures, you can learn from their successes and avoid their mistakes. 

Take notes when you come across compelling writing, and if something is unclear, reread until you grasp the concept.

Reading not only expands your vocabulary and grammar skills but also helps you understand the nuances of language.

Exercise #2:  Write every day

Just like anything else in life, if you want to get better at writing, you have to practice it regularly. 

Consistent practice is key to improving any skill, including writing. By dedicating time each day to writing, you will become more comfortable expressing yourself and develop greater fluency. Find a routine that works best for you and stick to it.

Five minutes when you get up in the morning or after dinner at night; a few minutes during your lunch break or during TV commercials — 

Whatever works best as per your schedule and lifestyle

 Exercise #3: Learn to love grammar rules

grammar for content writing

While grammar rules may seem intimidating initially, they are indispensable tools for effective writing. 

Rather than viewing them as enemies, start appreciating grammar rules as supportive structures that enhance your writing. 

Understanding and applying grammar rules will refine your writing style and make your work more polished.

Grammar rules are like the scaffolding on a building: They’re there for a reason, but once the building is finished, nobody notices them anymore. 

Start seeing grammar rules as a writer’s friend instead of the enemy.

Exercise #4: Find Your Voice

find your voice as a writer

Finding your unique writing voice is essential to becoming a proficient writer. 

When reviewing your work, ensure that it sounds like a natural conversation. 

Avoid overly formal or pretentious tones, and aim for a writing style that aligns with your personality. 

With practice, your writing voice will become more authentic and engaging.

One way to do this is to read over your work.

Make sure that every paragraph or sentence sounds like something you would say aloud if someone asked how things were going with writing right now. 

If it seems too formal or pretentious or something else that isn’t natural for you, then change it.

 Repeat it till it sounds like a normal conversation with friends or family members who don’t know much about writing yet either.

Exercise #5: Don’t edit while you write

edit to write

Many individuals struggle to start writing due to a fear of making mistakes. 

Remember that first drafts are meant to be rough, so don’t worry about perfection initially. 

Just let your ideas flow onto the paper or screen without self-editing. 

Once you have completed your draft, go back and refine it, correcting any errors or inconsistencies. 

This separation of writing and editing allows your ideas to flourish without hindrance.

Just start typing and keep going until you run out of things to say — even if you need to make up a bunch of stuff as you go along. 

Then when you’re done, go back and fix things up if necessary. 

But don’t worry about it while you’re writing because it’ll just distract from what’s important: getting the ideas down on paper (or screen).

Exercise #6: Set aside time each day to grow your writing skills

fixed time for content writing

Dedicate a small portion of your day, around 10-20 minutes, to actively improve your writing skills. 

Setting aside time each day for focused practice will gradually refine your abilities. 

Even writing a short paragraph regularly can contribute to your progress. 

Like any skill, consistent practice yields better results.

For example, if you want to write 500 words per day (about two pages), simply set aside 15 minutes every morning before work or school.

And commit yourself to hit that word count before moving on with your day.

Write something every day — even if it’s just a paragraph or two — and build up from there. 

Like anything else in life, the more we do something, the better we become at it — including writing!

Exercise #7: Echo reading:

reading out aloud

Read aloud what you’ve written so that it sounds natural and flows like normal speech instead of awkward sentences (this is called “reading aloud” or “echo reading”). 

To ensure your writing flows smoothly and sounds natural, practice echo reading. Read your work aloud to identify any issues like passive voice, wordiness, or missing punctuation. 

By hearing your words spoken aloud, you can detect problems more efficiently than when reading silently. Echo reading helps you create writing that is engaging and aligns with spoken language.

You’ll be able to pick up on things like passive voice, wordy phrases, missing commas, and other problems with your writing much quicker this way than when reading silently in your head.

 It allows you to hear the actual words as they would sound spoken aloud by others rather than just thinking about them in your head alone!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about Content Writing Exercises:

What exercises improve writing skills? 

There are several exercises that can enhance your writing skills. 

  • Some effective exercises include 
  • reading the work of other writers, 
  • practising daily writing, embracing grammar rules, 
  • finding your unique writing voice, 
  • separating writing and editing processes, 
  • allocating time for skill growth, and 
  • practising echo reading. 

These exercises help in expanding vocabulary, improving sentence structure, developing fluency, and refining overall writing style.

How can I practice my writing skills daily? 

To practice your writing skills daily, set aside dedicated time for writing. Allocate at least 10-20 minutes each day to focus on writing exercises or creative writing. Establish a routine that works best for you, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening. Consistency is key to progress, so make it a habit to write regularly.

How can I improve my writing difficulties?

 Improving writing difficulties requires identifying specific areas of weakness and actively addressing them. 
Some strategies include :
  • seeking feedback from peers or professionals, 
  • reading extensively to expand vocabulary and 
  • gain exposure to different writing styles, 
  • studying grammar and punctuation rules, 
  • practising writing exercises targeted at the areas you struggle with, and 
  • seeking guidance from writing resources such as books, courses, or workshops.

How to improve English writing? 

Improving English writing skills involves consistent practice and exposure to the language. 
Here are some tips:
  • Read extensively in English to expand vocabulary, improve grammar, and understand different writing styles.
  • Write daily, even if it’s just a short paragraph or journal entry.
  • Seek feedback from native English speakers or language professionals to identify areas for improvement.
  • Study grammar and punctuation rules to enhance writing accuracy.
  • Use online tools and resources, such as grammar checkers or writing forums, for guidance and support.
  • Engage in conversations or language exchange with English speakers to practice expressing ideas effectively.
  • Set specific writing goals and track your progress to stay motivated.

Takeaway and conclusion

Even if you aren’t a writer, these exercises will help make your writing better.

Practice makes perfect, no matter what you do, and content writing is no different. 

So take some time to sit down, get inspired, and let the words flow! 

The more you practice, the better your writing will be. 

And with a little work and these exercises, you can improve your content writing skills faster than ever before.

As you can see, there are many different ways to approach and improve your writing. 

Experimenting is the best way to find out which content writing exercises will work for you, and which ones won’t. 

Some people might even find that combining several exercises helps them get a more rounded practice session. 

Starting today, commit to improving your writing skills. 

By doing so, you’ll be able to produce better content for your website and blog—and people will appreciate it!


3 thoughts on “Top 7 Exercises to improve writing skills as a content writer”

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